Letter from Slough Council. Nov 1999

19th November 1999.

Dear Mr Crocker,

Thank you for your letter, 7 November 1999, in regard to motorcycle parking.

Since our meeting a budget of £4,000 was allocated for the provision of secure motorcycle parking in the town centre.

In the new year suitable locations will be identified and detailed designs prepared in line with the budget allocation. At the end of that stage it may be worth meeting again to hear your views on the proposed site or sites and type of design.

Mrs Crump in her letter of 22nd December 1998 did indicate that she had identified some suitable sites for our consideration. However I have yet to see her proposed list. You may be able to help in this regard.

If we can agree on the chosen sites and designs then the necessary legal traffic orders will be prepared and advertised. Assuming no objections are received the Council would then be in a position to approve the legal order making and carry out the works.

In the meantime I would hope that your group would recognise the positive steps the Council is taking in relation to this issue. I realise progress may be slower than you wish but the Council has to balance a whole range of competing issues with limited officer time and resources.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Boylan

Transportation Policy

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