Letter to Slough Council.

Mr. C. Boylan
Slough Borough Council
P.O. Box 570
cc. Ms. S. Crump, Windsor & District MAG

Dear Mr. Boylan

Many thanks for your letter of 26th January, which I have shared with members of Windsor MAG. Thanks also for the constructive tone and content.

The Group discussed the issue last night at a meeting of over 50 members in the Three Tuns, where we enjoyed the company of interested parties from Slough Borough Council. Two points arose:

1. We would not wish shared use of bicycle stands to give rise to any reduction in the amount of bicycle parking available. Any proposal along these lines would be doomed to failure - while motorcycles can make a contribution to reducing congestion and pollution in town centres, bicycles can make an even bigger one, and cyclists would have just cause in opposing restriction of cycle parking.

2. It is unfortunate that we were not invited to the meeting on 20th January when a representative of the MRA was. MAG is a national riders’ organisation of 15,000 members, with local groups meeting weekly in Slough, Reading, Newbury, High Wycombe, Milton Keynes, Culham and Witney, and we could have made a positive contribution to the meeting had we had the opportunity.

In future Ms. Sarah Crump will be taking the lead rôle in this matter, and will keep me up to speed with correspondence and discussions, so you don’t have to field letters from multiple directions about motorcycle parking.

Bearing in mind your circumstances (congratulations on becoming a Dad) we’d be happy to meet during the day as you suggest. No doubt Sarah will be following this up.

Yours sincerely,

Clive Crocker

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