Letter from Slough Council.

Dear Mr Crocker,
Thank you for your letter, 29 December 1998, the contents of which I note. My letter which you refer to was intended to be a positive response towards the needs of motorcyclists in Slough.

In support of my response the Council's Public Safety Sub-Committee, held 20th January 1999, considered an item in relation to the need for secure motorcycle parking. A representative of the Motorcycle Retailers Association attended the meeting and suggested the shared use of bicycle stands. Following some discussion on the issue the Committee decided to agree that a scheme and estimates be prepared for the provision of suitable secure motorcycle parking sites in the town centre. The outcome of this work would then be reported to a future meeting of the committee.

The local district M.A.G. group also responded to a copy of my letter to you highlighting the need for secure motorcycle parking and have suggested the facilities in Bracknell as a good example.

I hope this marks a useful start in response to the issues you have raised. Your suggestion of a meeting is helpful. However given my personal circumstances I would prefer to meet during the day along with my traffic management colleagues who would be clienting the project.

Yours sincerely,
Chris Boylan
Transportation policy

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