Over fifty bikers went for an Xmas shopping spree in Slough on Saturday, 12th December. Members of the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) from Windsor and District are incensed by the lack of secure legal motorbike parking in the town. We met early on Saturday morning, and converged on the Herschel Street town-centre car park. Riders from MAG groups in High Wycombe, Reading, Newbury and London supported the demonstration.

The riders’ plan was to occupy one car space each, buy a parking ticket, and stock up on festive fare. Some remained with the bikes to provide security, and hand out letters of apology to car drivers. MAG’s aim is to persuade Slough Council to provide three or four secure motorcycle parking areas, in addition to the parking provided for bicycles, in the town centre. Most towns already provide such facilities free of charge.

Regional MAG spokesman Clive Crocker said "The Council don’t seem to understand the theft problems faced by bikers. Their plans do not recognise the motorcycle’s contribution to reducing congestion and pollution, as promoted by the Government’s recent Transport White Paper.".

Fiona Mactaggart, Slough MP, who is a member of the local MAG group, has agreed to take the matter up with the Council.

Further details can be seen on Web site or from Richard 0956 806757, Peter 07971 719517, or Clive Crocker 01753 854789.

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