People upset at demonstration

Just a few tails about people who were upset at us parking in the car park. Remember that Slough Council have told us that we can park there. Also note that this car park is often full yet because it was full of motorcycles, a few people got upset. Most people agreed with our view point that parking in the car park is not the right place for a motorbike and were sympathetic to our cause, even the people who were rude or angered by our action were, in a strange way, agreeing with us.

One lady in a BMW said "Don't put that in my car!" as I approached with a leaflet. I could tell she was not happy and just walked onto the next car. Once she was out of the queue she did a nice wheel spin for our entertainment. You'd think she'd want to know what it was about before speeding off!

An elderly lady helped us out greatly by parking her car between two bikes and saying she'd phoned the Police. This was the kind of thing that would give us extra publicity and help out a great deal. We felt that we should point out to her that she would get a ticket for not parking correctly (taking up two parking spaces - and she had not bought a ticket anyway) but she just said that she'd see when the Police arrived. She left after about 5 minutes - we were just about to lend her a mobile in case she was bluffing about calling the Police. The authorities did know we were there - there is a security camera which kept moving around over the car park. Picture.

Some chap said that we had no right parking here!

Someone asked if we'd pay the extra on their ticket because the other car park was not as cheap as this one. Fine - if they pay our parking tickets for having to park illegally - where are we supposed to park?

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