Motorcycle Rally Review Page.
(and parties and stuff)
The idea of this page is that some of the events (bike rallies, motorcycle shows, touring holidays etc.)
we have been to as a group will be given a little
write-up and a few pictures. I'm not very talented in writing reports but you should get
a rough idea of what each show is like. All the reviews have been written by
Peter Smithson so if I didn't go then there's no review!
If you are looking for a picture of a particular person then have
a look here
for an index.
Various pics
Fred Hill run.
Fred Hill run
La Licorne
Chinnor Bike Day
MAG Mega Show / GP
West London Harley Riders Show
Old Wolf Bike Show
Amsterdam trip
FEMA festival
Various pics
Black horse show, Farnham Royal show, WADMAG Poker Run, Reading MAG mayhem, Wycombe MAG's End of Season Party and Reading MAG's Gravel Rash Bash.
La Licorne
Beaver visit
Lion Rally
No Fare For Faro
Bike Power 2000
Old Wolf Bike Show
Various pics
Wycombe Xmas do, SOX MAG rally, Don't Close the Gate, WADMAG Poker
Run and Yew Tree fancy dress.
Egg run
La Licorne
Lion Rally
Chinnor bike day (at the Wycombe site)
Were you soaked to the Bone?
No Fare for Faro
Solar Eclipse Rally
The FEMA Festival
The Old Wolf Bike Show
The Gremlin Bike Show
No Room at the Inn
The Turkey Strikes Back
Richards fancy dress party
Bees Knees Rally
WADMAG firework night
Christmas party
Various pics
North Herts MAG visit.
Lion Rally
Chinnor bike day
Ghosts Rally
The Old Wolf Bike Show
Euro Demo
Richards Fancy Dress Party
Bees Knees
Spain holiday
Lion Rally
Chinnor bike day(at the Wycombe site)
No Room at the Inn
The Old Wolf Bike Show
Bees Knees
Various pics
Chinnor bike show.
The Old Wolf Bike Show
Bees Knees Rally
Various pics
MAG bike show in Beverley, German holiday and Magna Carta.
The pictures should display quickly because they are stored in a low quality format - who needs to
wait 10 minutes for a few 150Kb mega detailed pictures to down load which you look at once?
(my pet hate). I've changed this a little with recent reviews. There are thumb-nail pictures
so you can see a small picture and click on it if you want the bigger version.