Web page information.

This is a very simple web site was created on the 1st of June 1998 to publicise our bike show.

Geek speak: It has been developed on a 1024 x 768 display with IE4.0 as the browser. Works OK with netscape too (now). Looks OK on smaller screens but the pictures can look a bit big.

Thanks to Stuart for giving us the web space and Siôn for formatting the logo for the web.

We are now on XOOM (as of 15th October 1998) because the URL is slightly shorter and it's our own Web site rather than really belonging to Stuart!

As of 26th October there is now a 'bigfoot' re-direction to the wadmag pages and e-mail. So the official URL should be http://bigfoot.com/~wadmag and the e-mail should be wadmag "at symbol" bigfoot.com but I'm not going to ask everyone to change this info just after I asked them to change it to the Xoom address! Next time it changes I'll give out the bigfoot addresses which are really just re-directions to the real locations. When the Xoom server is down the bigfoot address is re-directed to a backup site on demon.

Moved to freeserve early in January 99. Helped Wycombe MAG move to xoom.com.

Moved to freeuk/clara in March 99 after putting up with engaged tones for a long time. Got 25Mb of space at FreeUK rather than the 15Mb at Freeserve.

13th January 2000: Moved ISP again. This time Madasafish. Got fed up of connection problems with FreeUK and there is unlimited web space at Madasafish.

22nd January 2000: Moved back to FreeUK after the web server at madasafish.com went down 3 times in 3 days. Considering another ISP.

July 2001: Still with Free UK but now have over 25Mb so now use two Free UK accounts although this is transparent to the user. Big versions of pictures are stored on the "wadmag2" site. Also had to move some of the bigger panoramic stuff that I was putting on the old Xoom site onto a Tripod account as Xoom (taken over by www.nbci.com) are closing down.

August 6th 2001: Registered www.wadmag.org.uk

Early 2002 : now have three main Free UK accounts to store the website. It's only 28Mb which should only require two accounts (each allows 25Mb) but because there are 100's of very small files, the disc usage is around 52Mb due to file system overheads.

February 21st 2002 : After all these years of allowing any browser to work with the site I have finally given in to progress and started to use cascading style sheets which will allow me to redesign the colour scheme without re-doing each page (once in place). Some older browsers may have problems. Netscape 4.6 looks OK but the rollover links don't work. I'm sure older software has even greater problems.

Any comments can be sent to peter@wadmag.org.uk

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