Why join MAG?

If you are not already a member of MAG or the BMF then you should consider joining one of them. Many people join MAG rather than the BMF because you can join in with the activities of the local group. But why join any riders rights organisation?

MAG was formed when motorcyclists were forced to wear crash helmets. Many people think crash helmets are a good idea - fine, wear one if you like but MAG's stance is that you should have the choice. Since then MAG has had to leave the crash helmet issue and move onto other issues that could further restrict our freedom to choose. Do you want to be forced to wear day-glo clothing or a seat belt? How about an air bag on your bike? Sounds stupid? You should see the things the rule makers of this fair country can come up with, and you can, join MAG for a mere £20 a year and you will get an informative magazine six times a year.

Germany has a strong influence on the future of the European community and to put it mildly, they are not pro-biking. They are activley making it difficult to own a bike and to use it. Here is a bit from Street Biker (was MAG News) Oct/Nov 1998.
"An urban ban on motorcycle parking, and the construction of cobbled roads in housing areas are among German plans to deter motorcycle riders who have been pronounced environmentally unnaceptable in a new report ..."
"Disgusted at the blatant attack on motorcycling disguised as environmental friendliness, German rider groups, industry, and the press, resigned from the Ministry's consultation group earlier this year."

Mention is made of noise, power and speed restrictions. These are the kind of things that the BMF and MAG are working against. Every new member brings a little more to the funds so join up now!

MAG members can get some good deals on mobile phones, road side recovery and much more. Details will are available at www.mag-uk.org.

Read about Fred Hill who was influential in the forming of MAG : Fred Hill

Also check out the What is MAG? article by Ian Mutch.

Click here for joining details.

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