What is MAG?

Something from Ian Mutch written early in 2000 -

Raison daitre MAG is basically a libertarian organisation that exists to protect motorcycling from any unsympathetic legislation that threatens the pleasure of motorcycling.

Beyond that we have taken responsibility for promoting a better motorcycling environment through local lobbying on convenience issues such as bus lane use, congestion charging and parking facilities.


Safety is major headache for MAG as the measures proposed by ill-informed campaigners frequently conflict with the unfettered enjoyment of motorcycling whilst failing to provide real solutions. MAG has taken on board safety issues, principally through providing intellectual and financial support to the founders of Bikesafe 2000 and via road safety advice published in our bi-monthly newspaper Streetbiker.

Motorcycle theft

Theft is a major problem for all bikers and MAG has addressed this problem with a reward scheme for 'shopping' thieves, the promotion of secure parking and campaigning for tougher penalties for convicted thieves.


More recently MAG has become a major service provider to the motorcycle community through negotiating a host of membership benefits ranging from magazine subscription discounts to life insurance, mobile phones and credit cards. All of these deals have been arranged to provide financial spin off for MAG so that not only can we arrange tailor-made packages for bikers but those deals fuel MAG's political agenda at no cost to its


MAG has successfully reversed the adverse discrimination which bikers once endured so that it is now a privilege to be a biker - so long as you're in MAG.


MAG operates the most comprehensive programme of motorcycle - based social events in the UK. The 150 local groups nation-wide hold frequent meetings with a strong social element, in addition to which some of the country's finest rallies and festivals are run by MAG. These help to fund the political action through financing our office and paid staff.


MAG operates democratically via a national committee (NC) comprising 20 regional reps and a number of appointed officers plus a board of 7 to ensure a rapid response capability. The regional reps are elected by the members in their region on whose behalf they exercise the only votes at NC meetings. Each region comprises any number of local groups, each run by a local rep. The regional rep provides the channel of communication between the local groups and the NC. NC meetings, which are held every six weeks are open to observers from among the membership given adequate warning and the availability of space.

Established in 1973 specifically to campaign for the repeal of the mandatory helmet law MAG has dramatically broadened the scope of its activity and has now established itself as the legitimate voice of the road-riding biker in the UK. MAG now enjoys access to the ear of government via a network of committees and connections. Our aim is to steer legislation rather than oppose it outright and by doing this it is frequently possible to 'draw the teeth' of proposals whilst leaving the title of the measure unchanged and thus the dignity of its architects intact.

In some areas we have to be emphatic in denouncing crude threats to our pleasure by unreservedly opposing radical threats like telematic control of our engines.

MAG is more interested than most in promoting the interests of road safety but not at the expense of our right to ride, enjoy fundamental freedoms and control our machines.

MAG's sustained opposition to the helmet law is fundamental to our commitment to presenting a consistent philosophic position. MAG has tailored its tactics and style to suit the evolving motorcycle and political scene but will not trade ethics for short term popularity.

These days MAG endeavours to stay ahead of the politicians by vetting forthcoming legislation and intervening to nip things in the bud by feeding facts and arguments to friendly politicians in convenient spheres.

MAG is part of the Federation of European Motorcyclists Associations which provides us with representation in Brussels where much of the legislation affecting us now originates.

Recent Successes

MAG via its European connections, successfully modified the Multi Directive which threatened the tradition of home modifications to enhance engine performance. Noise regulations were also modified by negotiating alterations to the testing methodology so that the implication of reduced decibel outputs was diminished.

The European Commission proposal to limit motorcycle power at 100bhp was defeated by MAG after holding a mass lobby of Parliament and reversing the UK government's position which break the unanimity of support for the limit which had prevailed at the EU Council of Ministers.

The long-standing one year ban to which learners were subject if they failed to pass their test within two years has been ditched in the face of sustained campaigning by MAG. Now learners will simply have to take a test within two years in order to retain their licenses.

Proposals to introduce mandatory daytime headlight use and the adoption of mandatory clothing standards have been successfully resisted by MAG, having exposed such measures as the 'red herrings' which they are.

MAG has finally established a Motorcycling Forum chaired by the Roads Minister, thus providing MAG with a mechanism for debating the merits of all proposals affecting motorcycling long before they ever reach the debating chambers of Westminster.

MAG will continue to expand its range of member benefits, the spin-off from which will fund an increasingly high public profile for motorcycling and an increasingly ambitious political agenda. Privilege and convenience are the icing on the cake of freedom which in one word embraces what MAG is essentially about. MAG will continue to work not only for the protection and promotion of the motorcycling life but for the restoration of lost freedoms which lie at the heart not only of our lifestyle but at the foundation of human dignity.

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